Kamis, 13 Desember 2007

2 Tips To Guarantee Your Money Making Success Online

By: Jeff Schuman

Would you like a make money tip that can make a big difference in your business? In this article we will give you 2 make money tips that will come pretty close to guaranteeing your online success if you use them.

Let's start with this question. Do you find it hard to get motivated to work at your business everyday? If so viewing how you work at your business everyday is going to become more important to you starting today. Here's what you should be doing.

1. Create a daily to do list and then read it.

2. Like what you do online and do more of it.

I enjoy Internet marketing so it is very easy for me to go to work everyday. I do it full time now. When I was part time I really had to focus to be effective. Do not mistake activity for achievement. Many people waste more time than they are actually productive.

In my case I found I liked article marketing and focused on that because it was working in helping me grow my business. I used writing and submitting articles and then building a web page out of them. Over time I developed a very large website and blog that Google loves.

So what does that mean for you?

If you like to write you are lucky, You can combine article marketing and blogging to do more of that. If you enjoy ppc advertising use Google Adwords to do that. If you like people get involved with more social networking sites like My Space or Digg.

What I see for people who are not successful online is they are not doing what they like to do when it comes to building their business. Here is an example. You read somewhere that learning html code is important so you spend hours upon hours trying to learn how to do it. In the end you never do learn how because you are not a technical person and you have no interest in it.

Making money online is very hard to do if you do not enjoy the process. You may make a little money for while, but it will never be a long term income for you. It is important you enjoy what you do online and look forward to doing it.

Plus you have to have a daily to do list. Even if you only write 1 thing on it, you must write it down. Then check it off after you complete it. It sounds easy, but many people will not do this and so they just fool around all day not accomplishing anything. It is imperative that you jot down what you want to get done.

You can pretty much guarantee your success if you do these two things. These make money tips are so simple and that is why most people do not do them. Give them a try and see where your business is 90 days from now.

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