Rabu, 19 Desember 2007

3 Business Models to Get Rich Quick with the Internet in 2007

By: Sean Gum

The Internet has the potential to make you rich! I am sure you have heard it over and over again. Everybody knows you CAN get rich using the Internet, but HOW?

Over the last 9 years, I have researched hundreds of Internet business opportunities... I have purchased dozens of Get-Rich Information packs... I have listened to over 100 audiobooks on how to prosper using the Internet... I've been to countless seminars, some costing as much as $3,400 to attend! And I've tested all the tips, tricks and techniques to find out what works and what doesn't.

What I discovered was that there are three distinct business models that you can use to create wealth with the Internet whether you are looking to make an extra $500-$1500 a month or a day! One method I am using right now is generating $367 to $1503 of passive income every single DAY"'

And I do it all from the comfort of my home... with no employees...

Would you like to learn how?

In this article I will give a brief overview of each of the three business models. Then, in upcoming articles I will discuss each model in greater detail along with direct links to resources I have used that are working for me RIGHT NOW!

*** ONE SECRET That All 3 Models Have In Common ***

As you learn about all of the models, you will notice one thing that they all have in common. That one thing is called "leverage."

What is leverage?

J. P.J. Ghetty had once said.... "I would rather have 1% of the efforts of 100 men (or women) than 100% of my own efforts."

J. Paul understood leverage. Some of the models that I will present will leverage the efforts of hundreds and even thousands of other people to produce an income for you...

In other business models we'll use computers and technology to create leverage.

In either case, leverage allows you to earn money while you sleep... while you vacation... while you spend time with your family....

Leverage is the secret to financial freedom!

*** Business Model #1 - Network Marketing ***

Network Marketing, or Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) has bloomed into a multi-billion dollar business. Even with all of this success, we still run into people today that call it a pyramid-scheme....

Network Marketing allows you to start a business at home that is similar to a franchise. However, there is no franchise fee of millions of dollars. Instead, you pay a small entry fee, some as low as $35 to become a distributor. However, to help support you when you build your own home business, you get the backing of a major company.

You also get the opportunity to go International with your home business with some network marketing companies reaching into 60 or more countries!

MLM has come a long way, baby!

Unlike traditional business, the unique thing about Network Marketing (MLM) is that your upline actually has a vested interest in helping YOU succeed. (Unlike a BOSS who really does not want you to know what they know - or you would take their job!)

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