Kamis, 22 November 2007

Nnetwork Marketing Habit For Success

By: Don Downes

Now that you have found a network marketing company, it's time to start your journey and make the most of your opportunity. So how do you achieve network marketing success? You will need to copy what the successful upline distributors are doing to retail and sponsor.

Whether it be retailing the product or sponsoring new distributors, a common pattern should be very clear:

Tell: Your upline should be telling you what to do.

Show: Your upline should be showing you what to do.

Try: Your upline should have you try it while they observe to make sure you're doing it right.

Do: Once you have it down, your upline should have you repeat this process with your downline.

The tell, show, try, do principle allows you to feel comfortable when it comes time for you to teach your new downline and so on. This creates the process known as duplication and passive income.

Creating passive income is not an overnight process. If you realize this and are in it for the long haul, you're in great shape. If you're looking to get rich in a couple of months, it just isn't gonna happen.

Network Marketing is a people business and you should remain focused on the people. You are helping people by recommending a product or service. That's why it is so critical that you fully believe in, use, and love the product or services that you will be recommending to people.

If you aren't focusing on people, you are probably too invested in the opportunity aspect of your network marketing business. This gives off a negative vibe. People who may have tried your product or service now reject you because they could sense you were only into the making money aspect of it.

When you have a genuine passion or desire for a product or a service, it's easy to share it with people. They will love to buy from you. You are genuine and that builds an essential component to a network marketing business: trust. When people trust you they will want to build a relationship with you. There's no need to "sell" anyone when network marketing is done successfully.

When you have exceptional health from your product or your making money online from your network marketing business, people will sense that. Everyone on the planet could use better health and wealth.

So focus on your relationships with people, and build trust with quality recommendations. You can then reap the rewards that all network marketing businesses strive for.

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