Kamis, 13 Desember 2007

Why Your Marketing Doesn't Make Sense to Everyone

By: Robert Greenshields

When you communicate with people, they receive the information using one of five sensory modalities – visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory and gustatory (or in everyday language – pictures, sounds, feelings, smells and tastes).

And, in creating an ‘Internal Representation' inside our mind, we use the same sensory modalities – with the addition of one more – ‘auditory digital' or self-talk.

However, it's crucial to recognize that individuals experience those senses in different proportions. Some people may pay more attention to their visual experiences, while others may find their feelings (whether internal or external) more important.

In communicating with somebody, it's therefore important that you're able to relate to all of the senses.

Although everybody experiences all of the senses, normally one sense is their ‘preferred system'. It's the one they tend to rely on to a greater degree than the others. It's also the one they fall back on in situations of stress.

The preferred system tends to be visual, auditory, kinesthetic or auditory digital.

The main impact of this in communication and marketing is that we have to make sure that we're appealing to all of the different senses as much as possible.

That means that wherever possible, your communication and marketing should have visual, auditory, kinesthetic and auditory digital aspects.

In many cases, you might have the opportunity to use olfactory or gustatory elements as well. And that's not only if you happen to be in the restaurant or perfume business. For example, many studies show that the smell of freshly brewing coffee makes it much easier to sell a house.

If you can take into account all of the senses, your marketing becomes much more effective.

Appealing to all the senses means you need to have a mix of the elements in the words you use, for example:

• Visual: Ask people if they can see what you're talking about or picture themselves using the product.

• Auditory: "Does it sound right? Does this ring a bell with you?"

• Kinesthetic: Ask if it feels right or if they can get in touch with their need for it.

• Auditory Digital: "Have you got all the facts? Do you have all the criteria, all the information you need to make your decision."

To communicate at an unconscious level, you always need to think about how you can connect with each of the senses of your different customers:

1. How can you make your offer as visually attractive as possible?

2. How can you add an element of auditory and sound to it?

3. How can you create a kinesthetic experience?

4. How can you satisfy the demand for detailed criteria?

The real secret is being able to match up people with their needs. But, where that is not possible, you need to be able to cater for all the categories.

How can you make your marketing and your customers' experience satisfy the needs of all the senses?

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