Minggu, 25 November 2007

Ways To Improve Your Affiliate Marketing Income

By: Anita Buchan

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money. You can work whenever you want, wherever you want, and theoretically earn however much you want.

However, there are more than a few people who have problems with that last one. They follow all the advice they've been given, but still struggle to make the kind of money that will enable them to quit the day job and live the life they want.

So, how can you avoid being one of those people?

There's no sure-fire way. Everyone would be rich if there was! But if you're struggling, it's worth checking the following things.

1. Are you marketing the right product?

The problem might not be you. It might be the product. You could be driving hundreds of visitors to the product website, but only making a few sales. It could also be that the product is selling fine, but most of your earnings disappear as countless buyers demand refunds. Or perhaps you're just unable to get it noticed, no matter how hard you try.

If so, consider switching to another product. You want a product with a pitch page that convinces a high percentage of visitors to buy: otherwise known as a product that is ‘high converting'. Check how many visitors you've sent to the site using a link tracker. Then compare that to how many sales you've made. Decide whether or not you find the ratio acceptable.

You might also be marketing a product that is over-exposed. If everybody has already bought it, you won't get any interest. Look out for new products that will catch attention.

2. Keep yourself up to date.

Make sure you're reading e-zines and blogs that will keep you up to date with the latest developments in affiliate marketing. There are always new tools and techniques being developed, as well as changes in the rules about how you can market on search engines like Google. You could have fallen into a rut because you are using old-fashioned methods that are allowing others to steal your income. Affiliate marketers have to be constantly learning.

3. Don't just concentrate on one product.

After all, how do you know if it's any good? Start out with one, but then diversify. You could find that you become more successful with another. It's impossible to tell until you start marketing. It's worth running some low-budget advertising campaigns with different products just to see what results you get.

It also gives you some protection. The product you're promoting might be taken down from the internet? It does happen, and you could find youself shelling out on expensive marketing campaigns that don't have a product. If you're marketing several products, you don't have to worry about this.

4. Don't try to sell too many products.

Don't concentrate on just one, but don't over-do it either! Stick to three or four products at most. Otherwise you could end up confused and over-stretched. You need to spend time marketing and analysing each product. If you try selling too many, you won't have time to do this in the depth you need.

There's normally an explanation for why you're failing to make the amount of money you had hoped. It is possible to become a successful affiliate marketer, even if you are struggling or feel you've hit a brick wall. Make sure you're not committing any of the above mistakes, and maybe it will give you the boost you've been waiting for.

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