By: Glenn Holmes
How much do you know about affiliate marketing? Enough to become filthy rich or just enough to have a few extra dollars every month? Most fit the second description.
Prospective(?) millionaires will jump into affiliate marketing thinking all they have to do is get a Clinkbank link, choose a product they like, buy some cheap traffic, use some free traffic sources and start a PPC campaign. Soon after, they start the learning process. Cheap traffic isn't worth it, free traffic does not work unless you (know the secrets and methods) and PPC has proven to be a nightmare for many.
Now after a rough start our prospective millionaire is sitting scratching his head wondering where he went wrong. If you don't have a solution to his dilemma, you have a lot to learn before you can become a successful affiliate marketer.
OK, it seems he left out the first step (and that isn’t all). Research - research - research!
You will find many methods for this and everyone will tell you their's is the best. I was taught to find and research a certain group that are passionate about there interest. Take golf, these people are a very passionate group and their spending habits on golf related items proves this true. If you research the golf industry from the players prospective you will find everything from e-books on improving your swing to high dollar equipment and everything in between. You may find your research shows a totally saturation of this market and thus requires you to be a marketing wizard just to get a small piece of the action.
The point is you need training before you jump in or you may get discouraged and bow out early or actually lose a fair amount of money.
Another option is to make your own product, just an e-book will do and you don't need any knowledge of your subject. No knowledge, how is that possible?
Glad you asked. One (of many) ways would be to gain your knowledge form someone else. Say you wanted to stay with golf but create your own product. Very doable - find a club pro and tell him you are going to create an e- book and find out how much an hour of his time would be worth. I would think his hourly teaching rate would be his answer and if that's to high ask about thirty minutes. You should be able to find this for fifty to a hundred dollars. If you find it hard to pick a golf subject for your new e-book, get a suggestion from the pro as to what would be a subject most all golfers would find interest.
Then there is the marketing, a very big word that is ever changing and you better learn it rather than purchasing it. Other things to consider are knowing when to drop a product, protecting your commissions and on and on. I think you get the picture, it's not as easy as some would have you to believe. It's like most things in life, you are going to have to put in some time and probably money to find success, unless you are like I used to - I knew it all!
Done right affiliate marketing can give you a whole new lifestyle, but you will probably need a lot of help along the way.
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