By: Timothy Mcgaffin
How do you make the money of your dreams in network marketing or multi-level-marketing? Well, one way that will surely be a determining factor in your success or failure is article marketing.
As I'm sure you've already figured out, making a lot of money in any business is difficult. The degree of difficulty in a network marketing or a MLM business platform is no different.
However, when you do reach the level of financial success where you're making $10,000 month or more in network marketing or multi level marketing, all the work, and tears, and prayers is definitely worth it.
There is no magical system or blueprint for attaining your financial goals in any business but certainly there are certain actions you can implement that will practically guarantee your success as long as you don't give up.
Article marketing is very effective in driving highly targeted prospects to your business. Why? Well, let's break down the main benefits of writing articles.
1. Article marketing is free. However to save time and have your article spread across the world as fast as possible, there are some paid article submission services you can take advantage of but they are not essential.
2. It never stops. When you write and submit an article to multiple article directories, countless online publishers will come to these directories and re-publish your article.
This means that you can literally write one article and see it spread across the World Wide Web forever. It will never stop spreading like a dangerous flu or cold virus. You will get sales and make money from articles you wrote 5 years ago.
Each time your article spreads to another web page, it is essentially another advertisement back to your business.
3. High search engine rankings. If you link your articles back to one of your web pages, your site will rank highly in the search engines within days.
Article Marketing Tip: Make sure when you put a link in your bio box or resource box, within a particular keyword text, you want to rank highly for.
Example, if you want to rank highly for, ‘fishing poles', than put your site link within the keyword phrase of ‘fishing poles.'
Now when someone searches for that particular phrase in any of the major search engines, your site will appear in the top 10 of the first page, once your article has spread to enough websites.
4. Grow your list. Really, those business builders who have a list of thousands of emails can literally send out one email and get multiple signups and sales each time that email is sent out. But its very difficult to build your list if you don't have targeted prospects coming to a page where they subscribe or opt-in.
This is why writing articles is so important to grow your list. As the links pointing back to your sites will continue to grow from your articles, your list of email subscribers will also grow.
Article marketing will produce highly targeted prospects coming to your business, high search engine rankings, written advertisements that continue to spread forever, and new opt-ins or subscribers to your newsletter or business list, so that you will achieve your financial goals.
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