Selasa, 13 Mei 2008

Increase Your Sales

By: Omar Martin

It seems like every where I look I see some self proclaimed "sales pro" telling me I can become a gazillionaire if I just read his "free" eBook! These guys make me laugh. Yet they're still around because countless people fall for their catchy sales pages and buy their products. Hmmm... What actually qualifies you to be a sales "Gu-Ru" worthy of selling your wisdom to others anyway?

Have you ever done hard core, 100% commission, door to door sales in 115 degree weather (or -20 degrees for that matter) wearing a 3 piece suit? Have you ever built a power house team of cold contacting sales experts from scratch, selling pizza coupons door to door none the less? Let me guess.. "NO!" . . . to that one as well.

I would love to do an experiment one day and take one of these "sales gurus" let him pick the time, place and product, then put me on one side of the street and him on the other and lets see what happens. No need to wait for the results, I'll can tell you right now what will happen, I will BLOW them away! That is a fact. I'm not trying to be cocky or arrogant here I 'm simply stressing a point. I 'm an accomplished professional, hard core sales expert and I 'm available to prove it any day of the week.

I believe what sets me apart from the rest of these clowns is my attitude. I'm always on the hunt for buyers, I tirelessly probe for buying signs. That is the key. I don't just find the closest human being with a pulse and try to cram my product down their throat whether they need it or not. Instead, I smother my territory moving from prospect to prospect till I identify a buyer.

Here's the best part... when I do find a buyer, I've struck gold! This is because I'm not just going to sell him one item. I'm going to sell him (or her) everything I can! Thats the difference between me and them. I smarten up, I open the market up! I don't try to turn a "NO" into a "YES" because that will only turn around to bite me in the ass later. Instead, I pick up on the buying and non-buying signals and make an instant decision of whether or not this person is worthy of my entire presentation.

Here's 3 simple things you can do to increase your sales regardless of what you sell or where you sell, Internet, face to face, telemarketing, whatever... It doesn't matter. This stuff works everywhere and if you're not doing it your just missing the boat!

#1 Always be in a hurry. This is called "Urgency".. Sorry Mr. Prospect, I'd love to stay and chat the day away. Prospect. I've got BUYERS to get to. So lets get this deal closed and we can both get on with our busy day.

#2 Be prepared for EVERY objection. A sale without an objection is like a bowl of cereal without the milk. Expect several objections during every presentation. Thats whats supposed to happen!!! Edify the prospect, give them your pre-rehearsed rebuttal and CLOSE the deal!

#3 Take Control! No one is going to stop you in your tracks and say "Are you a salesman?? Here's my money I'll take everything you've got!" You have to get over the fear of rejection and TELL them it's time to pay for their product. Train your customer to say yes to you throughout your pitch with close ended questions. This way they wont hesitate to reach for their wallets when you tell them it's time to pay.

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