Kamis, 13 Desember 2007

Five Simple Steps For Finding And Building An Online Business

By: Greg Baugh

The American dream may very well have changed. Now, not only do we want to start a business but we also want to start it at home and many want to start it online. The trouble is, what do we do, where do we go, how is it done? The Internet is SO big, how in the world do you find the right business to start for you and then hope to succeed at it?

It's not as difficult as it might seem. And yes, before the cynics get to you, it IS being done. Starting an online business is not only an achievable goal, it's more than likely more achievable than say trying to start a business in the brick and mortar world. Why? Because overhead costs are smaller for one, and that is the number one reason most businesses fail.

Also an online business is live 24/7, but you don't have to be. Who can ask for more than that? It really is the ideal place to be. So, why do so many online businesses fail? Simple, the expectation is out of place. Many start an online business by simply building the site and ...waiting. “Build it and they will come.” Well no, not really. If you treat your online business like any other business venture, have some patience and persistence, and then you can succeed.

Here Are Five Simple Steps For Finding An Online Business:

1. Don't Be Taken In By Those With Hidden Agendas: Emails by the truckload will promise you easy wealth if you will just do...whatever it is they are prescribing. Oh! And IF you will buy their book, membership, or whatever it is they are selling. It's not a bad idea to read the ebooks, you can learn a great deal. But keep your head about you. Don't just go for something because it sounds like easy money. Let's face it if you are looking for easy money, don't you think you would have found it by now?

It's a much better idea to look for the business idea and plan that appeals to you on other levels besides the financial level. You really can start a business doing just about anything online. I personally like business plans that don't require me to deliver a physical product. However, other people like the idea of delivering a physical product and that is why Ebay became so popular.

2. Make a list of what you are willing to do and not willing to do. Some people like to write and so they choose things like blogs, or selling information to make their living online. Fancy making more money writing blogs than trying to convince a publisher to publish your book! It's happening all the time. Or say, you like the support of a business that is all ready to go for you. We call that a Turn-Key Business and they are hugely popular and have a good track record if approached properly. In other words, like a real business, not easy money.

3. Plan to do more than get your site up and running. Real businesses require marketing and promotion for long-term stability and growth. You should have a plan that is followed weekly, monthly, and yearly to push your business forward. Once you start getting business don't drop your marketing plan. Many new business people decide once they have a few customers, the marketing is done. Nope, you have to continue to market for the life of your business. It's just like exercise. You can't run on the treadmill once and condition your heart forever, right? Well...we wish...but the answer is no.

4. Be patient. Don't expect to be a raging success in one month or even three. Give your new business at least a year! Impatient business people rarely become success stories. It takes time.

5. Remember, you don't need the whole haystack! (What?) A client once told me as she was just barely starting her business, "I'm a needle in a haystack. The Internet is so big, how will they ever find me?" Well, they ALL won't find y you. If your a needle in a haystack of people, all you need is for the surrounding hay to find you and you will do great! This isn't all or nothing. It's a step at a time, one prospect at a time, one inch forward at a time and before you know it you have one big haystack of super duper customers and you are smiling all the way to bank. Take the time to learn the ropes.

Build thoughtfully, and practice patience, and you too can succeed with an online business.

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