Minggu, 09 Desember 2007

Relevant Content Brings Quality Traffic

By: Terry Detty

The struggle between literate, grammatically correct article composition and keyword seeding should not exist at all. Search engines are able to figure out the relevance of the content on your website to a user’s query. Therefore, an article filled with a jumble of keywords will have lesser relevance than a well-written article containing lesser keywords.

Internet marketers who need SEO articles commonly require grammatically correct and literate compositions from SEO writers like me. The more I read and write about how search engines function and how they equate relevance with a high search result ranking, the more I strive to place overall composition above keyword content.

With relevant articles on your website pertaining to your products, ideas or services, you get more chances of directing the correct kind of surfer traffic to your website. Of course, this will mean a decrease in bulky but irrelevant traffic. However, as a search engine user, I find it annoying to see search results that have no connection to what I need to find.

Admittedly, most web masters prefer bulk traffic over highly relevant web traffic. The more the merrier, so to speak. In my experience, surfing the web without any purpose becomes tedious. It gets even more tedious as your experience in web surfing grows. Nowadays, I specifically surf the web with a purpose in mind. Armed with that purpose, I single-mindedly search for what I need.

It would help me to find what I need faster if the descriptive content of your website were relevant to my search. Having a nicely composed descriptive article about the idea or object I am seeking will make your website more useful to me. Because your website has been highly informative and usable, I will return there again to see if you have something that I need.

In having relevant and highly descriptive articles, your website satisfies two totally different necessities. The more relevant necessity for you would be a high ranking search result. The lesser, and often times unnoticed necessity, is that of having satisfied your customer.

The more relevant your content is, the more chances you have of being able to direct your target market to your website. The percentage of people who buy your product will definitely increase as opposed to a decrease in just passing thru or wrong turn traffic. In counterpoint, the more relevant traffic you get, the higher your sales figures go up.

Targeting traffic that isn’t really interested in your website almost serves no purpose. I definitely won’t try to remember the name of a website that has nothing of what I need. Memory retention of a website by people is very much minimal unless it has served the people well. Furthermore, to be redirected to an irrelevant website by a search engine is very much an annoyance. These websites that bombard their content with nothing but keywords are now getting penalized and banned by search engines so that they can avoid sending people to the wrong place.

How would you feel if directory assistance gave you the wrong listing? Naturally, the supervisor at directory assistance will reprimand the agent who gave the wrong listing. It’s the same thing with search engines and web site. Search engines are trying to provide internet surfers with good service in order to gain more traffic. The more traffic they have, the more expensive their advertising space becomes. Along comes a web master who abuses their system so that all traffic is directed to his website. How do you think a search engine operator will react to or against the evil web master?

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