By: Charlie Essmeier
Anyone who has spent any time studying Internet or affiliate marketing has probably heard the phrase "the money is in the list." What that means is that the mailing list is probably the online marketer's best tool for continuing profits. It is much easier to make sales to a list of customers that you know are interested in what you have to offer than it is to try to attract new customers to your products. Bigger lists, as a rule, mean bigger profits.
One time-proven method of creating a mailing list is to use what is known as a "squeeze page." A squeeze page is a one page Website that offers to solve a problem the reader might have. A squeeze page will have a small amount of text describing the problem and announcing that a solution is at hand. At that point, the reader is asked to provide his or her name and e-mail address in exchange for further information.
It can be quite difficult to create and maintain a mailing list, and that's the reason that Leon Klepfish created the Instant Squeeze Page System. This system is designed to help those who are new to online marketing create effective squeeze pages in order to build mailing lists of their own. Does this system work as described?
The Instant Squeeze Page System is a membership site where members can access a number of professionally designed squeeze page templates. All they have to do is cut and paste their own text and autoresponder information and the page will be posted on the Web. All the hosting and HTML coding are done automatically; there is no need for the user to know anything about Websites or hosting. In that regard, the process couldn't be simpler.
Does the system work as described? In terms of creating the squeeze pages, yes, it is. Building a mini-Website is only part of the process, and it's the easy part. Once the squeeze pages are online, the marketer needs to promote the site in order to drive traffic there. That, as always, is the biggest problem in marketing. While it can be easy to create Web pages using tools such as the Instant Squeeze Page System, the hard work comes from figuring out how to get traffic to the site in the first place.
If you don't know how to build a Website, the Instant Squeeze Page System can be a big help. Just keep in mind that it's only part of a complete marketing system.
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