Minggu, 09 Desember 2007

From Adult Merchant Account Experts: The Pitfalls of Running an Adult Website (Part II)

By: Mary Harkness

As mentioned in a previous article, there are a lot of troublesome issues a webmaster will inevitably face in the course of operating an adult pay site. These issues come in all shapes and sizes, and even the smallest detail can worsen into a big headache if you don’t know how to deal with it, so here is a little further help in dealing with the more common pitfalls bound to go in any webmaster’s way when maintaining an adult pay site.

Think about your hosting well. It’s a common practice in business, cutting costs where you can to minimize your overhead, but then, some people seem to forget that there will always be some costs that will actually generate more expenses in the long run if you try to cut it. One such cost is hosting. The internet is chockfull of low cost hosting packages that are intentionally made to look attractive, so that more webmasters will opt for this package. However, if you are expecting larger traffic, which you should, you will find that low cost hosting comes with limited bandwidth, and buying additional bandwidth is more expensive than simply opting for hosting that comes with bigger bandwidth.

Who handles your payments? This is where better judgment comes in. There are the widely established merchant account providers with immensely popular branding, but the problem is, are they the payment processors that you need, more importantly, will they cater to you? Keep it sweet and simple: pick an offshore adult merchant account provider that caters to your industry. Even better, pick an internet adult merchant account provider that has options and features that you know will attract more paying customers, such as fast, secure, and easy to understand payment procedures.

Disenchanted customers. A common mistake for many webmasters is keeping their focus on winning more new customers, and not really ensuring that their existing customers stay with them. This is bad because a bad reputation spreads further and faster than a good one. This often results in charge backs, cancellation of subscription, and bad reviews. Having a customer support system will ensure that your existing customers stay with you, and new customers will definitely take this into consideration when they check out your site.

Bad navigation, bad links. Even if your adult pay site looks like the best thing there is on the Internet, if your customers can’t find their way around it, there’s really no way they will choose your adult pay site over other sites that may be less attractive, but at least they could navigate it easily. Make sure people will not have any trouble navigating through your website, it says a lot about you wanting their business. Another problem are bad links. Customers may want to check either an internal or external link you have, and then when they click the link they either find nothing, or are redirected to somewhere they really don’t want to be, another sure way to lose customers. What’s more is search engines are known to sometimes penalize web sites that have bad links, as these search engines also check the links you have.

These are just some of the more common problems that webmasters encounter while running their adult website, and there is a good chance that you may encounter some entirely new problem while running your own. Keep in mind that the reason why you put up an adult website in the first place is to provide a service from which you can earn a profit, and for you to earn a profit, you must have paying customers. To have paying customers, you have to make sure you attract them first, and then keep them coming back for more.

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