Minggu, 02 Desember 2007

Top 10 Ways To Make Money Online

By: Pawel Reszka

If you wish to strike riches online then you will be pleasantly surprised to learn that there are many ways to make easy money online. With the rise of the Internet you can tap into the many money making opportunities it provides you.

1. Write an e-book

If you have a flair for writing, you can transform it into a great money-making opportunity for yourself. You can choose to talk about a current topic of interest which readers can relate to. Then use this to your advantage. You can leverage a number of free advertising methods to publicize and promote the e-book. Once you strike it rich the first time, you can expect to be successful in your next e-book venture too!

2. Blogging

When used responsibly and smartly blogs can be turned into dynamic revenue earners! As you keep posting fresh content and your blog starts gaining in popularity, you can expect to receive sponsorship from other companies. They will typically want to post ads on your blog. If a sale happens on their site through a click from your blog, you get a commission! Thus blogs can work as a revenue earning mechanism too!

3. Video clips

Did you know that by creating a video clip of your product you could actually generate tonnes of traffic online? It doesn't cost much to create a video these days and if it's about a popular product, you can expect hordes of traffic. What's more you could use programs which populate your web page with loads of relevant ads. This itself will earn you plenty of revenues online.

4. Funded proposals

Did you know that you could have two ways of looking at your business? That one is the primary profit earner while the other is what the company is known for. So let's say you have a business of your own, you can promote it with the funded proposal. So as an example if it's McDonald's their funded proposal would be French fries and burgers. However their profit earner is the soft drinks section because while it takes just 1 cent to prepare it, they charge 1 dollar for this! Similarly if you have a business with diverse products, you can focus on the funded proposal to earn you publicity.

5. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a great way to boost your income potential online. The way it works is that you contact a company and start promoting its products and services online. So even if you don't have products of your own, you can still use affiliate marketing to generate a good income. 6. Freelancing options

If you write well or are a good designer you can showcase your skills online and start bidding on projects. Freelancing is a great way to earn quick money online. The way it works is that you bid on projects related to your expertise and once you win the project you start work on it. After completion you get paid.

7. Paid surveys

You can also earn substantial income online by taking surveys. You can contact any company online which has a good reputation and is paying to take its survey. Many surveys even pay as much as 250 dollars for a single survey which is quite a lot!

8. eBay like stores

If you want to make a quick buck online you can do so by setting up an eBay like store. You can then ask other companies to advertise their products on your site. As sales happen you earn commissions on each sale!

9. Have your own website

If you have a set of products you wish to promote, consider setting up your own website. You can easily use SEO tactics to divert more traffic to your site. As you receive more traffic you can start to earn more too via sales!

10. Shopping

Yes, if you love shopping you can turn this into a money making opportunity for yourself. You can shop on behalf of other people. Just get to know their preferences and colour choices if it means shopping for clothes. Once you know this you can earn good money for each shopping assignment online.

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