Senin, 03 Desember 2007

Road Map to Riches Review - Profits of $141,000?

By: Holli Diel

Chris Campbell, a well know top Internet Marketer, joined up with Brian Grant, a former football player and founder of Roadmap to Riches (R2R), on June 22nd of this year. Roadmap to Riches is an Aussie-2-up payment plan program. This top income-earner of Easy Daily Cash Gold, Chris Campbell, recently left not only Easy Daily Cash Gold but also the Perfect Wealth Formula to join R2R. Chris claimed, June 23, 2007, on his Roadmap to Riches landing page, to have made $141,000 in the previous month with R2R. Internet Entrepreneurs everywhere might be asking, "How did Chris make so much money, if the program only launched one day earlier on June 22, 2007?"

There is a plethora of ebooks, audio downloads and personal development material available to new members and in order to access all of these products there is a $999 fee to join Roadmap to Riches. The folks at R2R know that $8-$9 billion is spent in the personal development industry annually. After joining they will have the opportunity to promote R2R and profit from it. Sponsor's will have live calls once a week for questions that a new distributor might have.

R2R promotes, what is called a 2-up compensation plan, and this plan requires the new distributor to pass up their first 2 sales to their sponsor. So the new distributor will earn $499.50 on their first and second sale, and will begin earning 100% profit of $999 on the third sale. There will be some that do not mind giving up their first two sales, however, others would say, "I did work and I want to get paid"

There is a monthly cost of $49.95 or a one-time fee of $350 for all members. They must pay this in order to promote Roadmap to Riches. This monthly fee is close to $600 per year.

The back office section of Roadmap to Riches offers training materials, a replicated website, auto responder series, and lead capture pages. Once a new member has reviewed all the material in the back office they are ready to do the advertising and marketing A new distributor will need to set up a merchant account to accept credit cards which runs $59 at sign-up and takes about two business day to complete.

Overall, Roadmap to Riches is not a scam and the program gives people a legitimate way to make money online if people don't mind monthly fees and giving up sales to their sponsors. Chris's claims of 141,000 in profits, in the time frame in which it was herald is another matter. With any new business or new venture, there almost always is a learning curve involved. Success results, can vary significantly from person to person and can be based on the amount of effort, learning ability, knowledge of marketing, and how much support a sponsor is willing to offer.

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