Senin, 03 Desember 2007

A review of 3 Hour Profits

By: William Buckley

Have you seen the 3 Hour Profits website? If you have, I am sure you noticed it full of hype and guarantees. I am always searching for different ways to make money online and I have seen a few programs in my time online and I immediately felt that this program was like the others I had seen.

When I first came across the site, I knew it would be another one of those over-hyped ‘make money online' scams. After seeing it several times, I went ahead and purchased the lifetime membership to give a good unbiased (is that possible?) opinion of it in my blog and a good friend of mine kept bugging me that the product works.

Does 3 Hour Profits work? Will it work for you? I would say that if you are an experienced marketer it might provide you with some unknown info, most likely not. If anything it will give you another program to add to your arsenal of products you are promoting.

In reality, this program is good for beginners who are new to making money online. It spells out marketing in very easy terms and teaches you about how to organize your time and efforts effectively online. It can be used without having to create anything yourself.

The material provided in the program includes a website, all the materials and tools you need to market the website.

3 Hour Profits does one thing that most other programs fail to do, it gives you all of the advertising material you need. It goes as far as providing a page by page overview of what you need to do and how you can do it. It provides pictures, html emails and ads. Over 60 headlines and text ads for you to copy and paste in classified ads like Craigslist.

3 Hour Profits offers suggestions for where to advertise along with how. There are many programs that do the same, but most stop short of giving you all the advertising tools. They usually provide you with 1 or 2 in each category. Ones that do offer this amount of material usually cost substantially more.

In truth, 3 Hour Profits by itself will not make you 10,000 to 15,000 in a month. After using the system, I have made $60 to $100 a day and I know that it will probably take couple of months before I reach the income level that the site hypes up and only by using the system everyday to promote it and other products.

Understanding 3 Hour Profits is not difficult, but it can be time consuming, repeating the system consistently and promoting different products is what determines your income. In the beginning there is a learning curve along with setting up your ads correctly. Once you are organized, the time is cut to about 40 minutes, 3 times a day.

In contacting Dan the creator of 3 Hour Profits and asking him questions, he responded quickly to point out that the reviews on his front page are factual but most do include promoting other products using the system.

Dan's overall point is to teach you the system, to get you organized and focused, hopefully moving on to use it to promote your own or other things. This is really the key to the whole program. You will not make thousands just promoting it. You have to diversify your income by promoting other products too.

Overall, 3 Hour Profits will work if used correctly. It does require a lot of discipline on your part but it is spelled out in layman's terms. Like anything else online it takes work and any system that tells you it doesn't is not being 100% truthful.

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