Minggu, 09 Desember 2007

From Adult Merchant Account Experts: The Pitfalls of Running an Adult Website

While it is true that most webmasters running adult pay sites on the Internet are masters of their craft, there are still a lot of enterprising webmasters who fall victim to the numerous pitfalls and snag points of running the business. Falling victim to these pitfalls can mean anything from minor annoyance all the way to earning absolutely nothing from your adult content site at all.

There are a lot of these pitfalls in the industry, but a lot of these annoyances can be avoided, it’s mostly just a matter of knowing what they are. Here are some of the most common problems in running an adult content pay site.

Did you really think it out? You may have your own reasons for putting up an adult pay site, like maybe you like the content, or you’re out to earn from an industry that generates a huge revenue annually. The question is, however, were you really able to plan the entire process of putting up your adult pay site? A flash of brilliance in your ideas isn’t really going to put money in your bank unless you know how to set it up, keep it running, and run the business well. Take time to plan what you want to do, how you want it to look, and to whom you’re selling it to.

Too much hands on. Giving your website ample attention and time is one thing, but devoting all of your waking hours on manual operation of your adult pay site is just not practical. Not only is it quite taxing, but it also robs you of time you could have spent doing other things that need to be done. Done properly, automation is not such a bad thing, after all, there is good reason why it was invented. A good example of the need or automation is in the matter of payment. A good adult website merchant account is the sure way to go to making your adult pay site earn well. A reputable adult merchant account provider knows the specific needs and quirks of handling a high risk adult merchant account.

Not enough marketing and advertising. Everyone is doing it, so why don’t you? People would agree that a lack of or not enough advertising would be an obvious mistake, but it is quite surprising to know just how many webmasters overlook this simple mistake. An important thing to know is also where to advertise, as placing your advertisement in the wrong venue can not only be useless, it’s also a waste of time and effort.

How is your traffic? It’s practice almost every webmaster does, and while the effectivity of this practice may vary from site to site, done properly, buying traffic can be quite beneficial to your adult pay site. An important thing to remember, though, is knowing what type of traffic to buy. This is most important if you have a particular niche in the adult industry that you want to sell the most. Make sure the traffic you buy is relevant to what you’re trying to sell, otherwise you’re wasting three important resources: time, money, and bandwidth.

Focusing or spreading. A lot of webmasters now are seeing the profitability of selling a particular niche in the adult history, as this particular niche can have more potential customers than others. A popular mistake, however, is putting too much focus on a single particular niche and neglecting the others. Unless the niche you chose to focus on generates ridiculously large amounts of money for you, you should really consider some other avenues, such as affiliate sales, or even PPV programs. Having more than one particular niche allows you to rake in the income from a bigger spectrum of customers, and not hurt so much when the seasonal low income period steps in.

A visual and visceral treat. Yes, you are running an adult content site, and would necessarily mean you earn from content of a rather sensual nature, but that doesn’t mean you can be as sleazy or as crass as you can get. Your customers are still people and as would like to be treated as such, and they could very well be driven away by a site that sells them content that is about as appealing as day old meat hanging from meat hooks. Invest some time and effort into making your website look professional, having a little taste never hurt any business. An eye-catching suggestion is including a banner or logo of your chosen adult merchant account provider. Having the logo of a reputable adult retail merchant account will also help in telling potential customers that your website is indeed legitimate and you do proper business.

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